How do I answer my Ex’s text?!

Be Tactful.

Messaging a Co-Parent?


Let us help.

Co-parenting is a lot easier when you know what to say!

TACTFUL is your pocket wiz to help you respond. Our suggested responses are designed to help you gain:

  • Respect

  • Healthy Boundaries

  • Mutual accountability

Remove the guesswork and stress.

Get Tactful now.

What Does Tactful Mean?

Respond Clearly

Convo’s can get emotional, and sometimes our answers get muddled. Tactful helps you stay clear and concise.

Maintain Respect

There can be many reasons gaining respect, or staying respectful, can be really hard. Tactful designs replies for both.

Focus on What Matters

It’s easy to lose focus on the kids, the weekend plans, or other subjects. Tactful helps you keep the conversation on point without getting derailed.

Sound Like a Pro

It’s harder to disagree when your answers are clear and professional. Now you are both with Tactful.

Here’s how it works:

Become a Member

Complete our sign up process and share a little bit of info about your circumstances.

Connect to Tactful

Our system responds to you in real time. Send us your ex’s message, and we’ll provide you with at least one Tactful reply.

You Decide!

If you like the suggested response, use it! If not, then don’t. How you communicate is ultimately up to you.

Remove the worry. Focus on what matters.

When you message your Co-parent, be Tactful.